Background: Immunotherapy is emerging as a new treatment strategy for gastric

Background: Immunotherapy is emerging as a new treatment strategy for gastric cancer(GC). patients who were CD3+, CD4+, and CD4+/CD8+ increased in the cellular therapy groups. No fatal adverse reactions were noted. Conclusion: Chemotherapy combined with CIK/DC-CIK therapy after surgery resulted in low HR, and significantly increasing OS rates, DFS rates, and T-lymphocyte responses in patients with GC. value was greater than 0.05 and not very symmetrical. This meant that the results may have been biased. Thus, we used the trim and fill method to specifically assess bias. There were no changes in the 95% CIs before and after the trim and fill method; thus, the analysis was stable. Bias analysis showed that the results of our meta-analysis were reliable with no obvious heterogeneity. Typically, the numerical changes in T lymphocytes can be used to reflect changes in immune function. The articles included in our study only showed the changes of immune cells before and after treatment. Only 1 1 article showed a change in the control group. Consequently, we targeted to describe changes in the number of immune cells. Several cycles of chemotherapy may lead to a reduction in the immune function of individuals with GC, with reduced proportions of T lymphocytes.[27] The measurement of T-lymphocyte subsets has been reported to be a useful clinical indicator of immunosuppression in MK-4305 manufacturer a number of disease states.[28] CD3+ is predominantly a phenotypic marker Rabbit Polyclonal to RGS10 of T cells, and CD8+ is predominantly a phenotypic marker of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs). CD4+T is definitely mainly a marker of MK-4305 manufacturer helper T cell, which promotes the activation of CD8+ T cells and enhances the differentiation of CTLs. By comparing changes in T lymphocytes, and its subsets, for 1 to 2 2 weeks, several studies[10,12,13] have shown that the number of CD3+, CD4+, CD8+, and NK cells were significantly improved, after immunotherapy with MK-4305 manufacturer CIK/DC-CIK cells. These results indicate that CIK/DC-CIK therapy can improve the immune status of individuals, and the reason may become associated with improved T lymphocyte and cytotoxic T lymphocytes. However, these studies only showed short-term changes in T-lymphocyte figures after treatment, and there was no evidence for long-term results. Toxicity and adverse reactions are important signals of immunotherapy. Our analysis exposed that fever was the most common adverse event in CIK/DC-CIK treatment, which could symbolize an immunological response to the presence of effective cells in malignancy patients. Other effects (such as nausea and headache) could be relieved without medication or by simple treatment. No fatal adverse reactions were reported in the internalized study. In addition, CIK/DC-CIK therapy reduced bone marrow suppression caused by chemotherapy. Therefore, adoptive cell immunotherapy combined with adjuvant therapy was considered to be a feasible and safe method for the treatment of GC. Even though results were obvious, this study offers several limitations. Firstly, the difference between the quantity of individuals involved in each study may have led to partial variations. Secondly, there were differences in the use of immune cells across different studies. The immune reactions induced by different immune cells were different and may have had different effects within the development of the disease. Furthermore, different surgical procedures may have led to different results, therefore creating a study bias; patients in phases I to III underwent radical surgery, whereas individuals in stage IV underwent palliative surgery. With this meta-analysis, we demonstrate that immunotherapy was significantly effective for individuals when combined with chemotherapy after surgery. We expect.