Bilateral paralysis from the facial nerve is usually a relatively rare

Bilateral paralysis from the facial nerve is usually a relatively rare presentation and often indicates a serious underlying medical condition. facial weakness. Two weeks earlier she was treated by her general practitioner with a course of oral amoxicillin for sore throat. There was no additional significant past medical history and she was on no regular medications. The patient was a non-smoker and did not consume alcohol. An otolaryngological exam was unremarkable but for incomplete remaining lower engine neuron type of facial palsy (House & Brackman Grade III). A provisional analysis of Idiopathic Facial Paralysis (Bell’s Palsy) was made and the patient was discharged home after reassurance and on no specific medications. Two days later Retaspimycin HCl on she returned with paralysis right now including both sides of the face. While she did give a history of ‘pins and needles’ on both hands and ft, and stiff shoulders, she refused any numbness over the sites. She refused any history of stress, rashes, travel abroad or exposure to tick bites. She was aware of altered taste sensation. Examination exposed bilateral total lower engine neuron type of facial palsy (House & Brackman Grade VI). All other cranial nerves were intact and there was no evidence of sensory deficits elsewhere. Lower limb power was 4/5 across all muscle groups, while power in the top limbs was normal. From the tenth day time, she developed loss of ankle reflexes bilaterally. Paradoxically, at this time, the biceps, triceps and jaw reflexes were quick. Plantar reflexes were flexor throughout. There was no bladder or bowel involvement at any point. Fundoscopy was normal. Blood checks for full blood counts, urea and electrolytes, serum angiotensin transforming enzyme (ACE) and the vasculitic display were within normal limits. Blood tradition was bad. ESR was 20 mm/1st hr. Chest radiograph was obvious. No paraproteins were recognized on serum protein electrophoresis. Pure firmness audiometry revealed normal hearing thresholds on both sides and Tympanometry showed normal middle ear mechanism on both sides. Magnetic Resonance Imaging scan of the head was normal. Nerve conduction studies showed long term F-wave from right abductor digiti minimi (ADM) and long term distal engine latency to right abductor pollicis brevis (APB) suggestive of an early Acute Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (AIDP). Good response was seen to nerve conduction checks on facial muscle tissue. Lumbar puncture was then performed exposing an albumin-cytological dissociation (CSF protein of 0.97 g/L and a white cell count of zero). CSF glucose was 4.7 mmol/l (plasma glucose 8.0 mmol/l). With the characteristic protein-cell depend differentiation, a analysis of the Guillain-Barre Syndrome (Acute Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy) was made. Pulmonary function assessments were within normal limits. CSF cultures, stool ethnicities (including for campylobacter), throat swabs for streptococci and viral serology for Varicella-Zoster and herpes simplex were all negative. Similarly, the Monospot test for Infectious Mononucleosis was Retaspimycin HCl bad. Anti-Nuclear antibodies (ANA), Anti-Nuclear Cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA) and Anti-Double Stranded DNA (Anti dsDNA) studies were also bad. She was commenced on a course of oral steroids on day time 3 (60 mg oral prednisolone) C the day of 1st demonstration with bilateral palsy and this was reduced gradually to be stopped by day time 18. Appropriate attention protection measures were taken. After confirmation of AIDP, she was initiated on a five day time course of 30 g of intravenous (iv) immunoglobulin infusions (octagam?) from day time 8 (Fig ?(Fig11 shows the patient after 3 days of iv immunoglobulin). She was then transferred to the regional neurology unit where a repeat lumbar puncture was done confirming AIDP once again. Tests were negative for Lyme disease, Herpes simplex, Borrelia burgdorferi and Oligoclonal bands. Figure 1 Day 10: Partial recovery of the right side of face after 3 SARP1 days of Retaspimycin HCl intravenous immunoglobulins. Her facial muscle function gradually improved, beginning with the right side. She was discharged on day 16, by then she was feeling significantly better and power and reflexes in both the upper and lower limbs were normal. Advice was given to continue eye protection and.