Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) are highly comorbid

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) are highly comorbid disorders. to investigate whether group differences in FA or MD differed as a function of age or ADHD symptom count. Results were obtained using Threshold-Free Cluster Enhancement (TFCE) providing results at and represent regions of lower FA for ADHD?+?ODD compared to ADHD-only. Results are overlaid on a standard MNI152 template with the mean skeleton … Table?2 Clusters of lower fractional anisotropy (FA) for ADHD?+?ODD compared to ADHD-only Follow-up analyses were conducted in SPSS on mean FA values from the significant voxels of reduced FA in ADHD?+?ODD. First we re-ran the LMM in two individual age groups split at the median age (17.5?years). Results remained the same for both the younger and the older age group. Second we examined the association between diagnostic group and antisocial behaviour as measured by the OAB (Fig.?2). A significant interaction was found (high rates of antisocial behaviour. Comorbid ODD with low rates of antisocial behaviour and antisocial behaviour without an ODD diagnosis did not appear to be associated with lower FA. Importantly our measure of antisocial behaviour largely overlapped with CD-like behaviours. Therefore it is possible that our obtaining in fact signifies an conversation between ODD and (subclinical) CD and that WM pathology is certainly strongest in people with both disorders mixed. Although ODD and Compact disc are extremely correlated constructs this result shows that both disorders may TG101209 interact on the neurobiological level indicating that ODD TG101209 and Compact disc ought to be treated as different constructs in potential studies looking into WM microstructure. It’s important to notice that small children in our test may still continue to build up ODD and/or Compact disc in the TG101209 foreseeable future. Hence it really is difficult to learn whether the presently described subgroups will keep in the foreseeable future or whether kids may shift through the ADHD-only towards the Comorbid group in a few years’ period and if so whether group differences in WM microstructure will remain the same. It would be informative to replicate current results in a longitudinal sample following ODD and conduct symptoms as well as WM microstructure over time. Current findings fit well Igfbp2 within theories of frontotemporal and frontostriatal brain dysfunction in individuals with ODD and/or CD [31-33]. The basal ganglia are well known for their central role in the incentive circuitry and emotional functioning and the orbitofrontal cortex plays a crucial role in controlling representational memory incentive motivation and incentive processes. These are all well-known cognitive troubles in ODD and CD [17] and reduced brain TG101209 activation in these regions has consistently been linked to aggression and psychopathy [34]. The uncinate fasciculus connecting the orbitofrontal cortex with temporal lobe regions plays an essential role in combining incentive and punishment history memory representations value assignment and updating and decision making [35]. As a consequence perturbation of this tract can cause problems in social-emotional functioning due to the lack of emotional history and value and motivational value in the decision-making process. It is likely that WM abnormalities in frontotemporal and frontostriatal brain regions play a role in the neurocognitive and behavioural problems associated with ODD as well as the poor and adverse outcomes reported for children with ADHD?+?ODD compared to those with ADHD alone [2 36 At the neurobiological level reduced FA could implicate abnormalities in a wide range of tissue properties such as reduced myelin or lower axonal density [29] which could signify disrupted transmission transfer in these tracts. Importantly WM microstructure in frontotemporal and striatal regions has been shown to continue to develop into adulthood in healthy subjects with increasing FA and decreasing MD over age [37]. Given that our sample largely consisted of adolescents it is unclear whether our obtaining of reduced FA in comorbid ODD represents a developmental delay (compared to individuals with ADHD alone) which could catch up in adulthood or whether it signifies a more prolonged deficit. Longitudinal studies could provide more insight. Taken together lower FA in comorbid ODD could symbolize suboptimal development of frontotemporal WM tracts which could play a role in the social-emotional and cognitive problems associated with ODD. Tracts of lower FA in comorbid ODD.