Supplementary MaterialsS1 Fig: High-magnification TEM panel of the (ACL) and (MCT) subcellular components discussed herein

Supplementary MaterialsS1 Fig: High-magnification TEM panel of the (ACL) and (MCT) subcellular components discussed herein. observed in two of the single cells and appeared to bud from the microvillar membrane. (M) nucleus showing euchromatin, heterochromatin and nuclear pore complex. (N) Mitochondria displaying cristae. Also visible are cellCcell contacts between two adjacent choanocytes. (O) Collar microvillus. (P) Apical pole and Golgi apparatus showing flagellum, flagellar basal body, nonflagellar basal body, tubulin filaments, and basal foot. (Q) Food vacuole. (R) Rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum. (S) Basal pole of shows bacteria located in the mesohyl, basal pseudopodia, and endocytotic invagination. (T) Vesicles type 1 (V1) and type 2 (V2) are located throughout the choanocyte cytoplasm. Scale bars = 200 nm, except (LCL) = 500 nm. af, actin filaments; b, bacteria; bf, basal foot; cc, choanocytes; cr, cristae; dv, food vacuole; er, endoplasmic reticulum; eu, euchromatin; ev, endocytotic Ntf5 invagination; f, flagellum; fbb, flagellar basal body; fp, posterior filopodia; ga, golgi apparatus; gly, glycogen storage; he, heterochromatin; m, mitochondrion; mv, microvillus; n, nucleolus; nfbb, nonflagellar basal body; nm, nuclear membrane; npc, nuclear pore complex; pm, plasma membrane; ps, pseudopodia; rer, rough endoplasmic reticulum; ser, smooth endoplasmic reticulum; TEM, transmission electron microscopy; tf, tubulin filaments; tp, transversal plate(PDF) pbio.3000226.s001.pdf (4.4M) GUID:?8F006877-0A26-4048-9A31-7094A7695567 S2 Fig: 3D ssTEM reconstructions of high-resolution single and colonial cells. (A) Gross external morphologies of reconstructions of both single (S1C3) and colonial (C1C3) cells. (BCC) Structomic RepSox (SJN 2511) reconstructions of single (B) and colonial (C) cells, with the plasma membrane removed to reveal subcellular ultrastructure. Colours are as in Fig 1. Asterisks indicate engulfed prey bacteria. Cells are labelled with their corresponding RepSox (SJN 2511) cell ID number and volumetric breakdown for each cell is shown below reconstructions. Scale bar = approximately 1 m. ssTEM, serial ultrathin transmission electron microscopy.(PDF) pbio.3000226.s002.pdf (1.8M) GUID:?7C158D15-8699-4573-B6DB-9916E0854562 S3 Fig: Methodological overview of 3D ssTEM reconstruction of and cells. (A) ssTEM stacks are imported into the Fiji plugin TrakEM2, aligned, and scaled. Subcellular structures are then manually segmented. (B) 3D ssTEM reconstructions are conducted in TrakEM2 by merging traced structures along the z-axis, initially smoothed and imported into Blender (C). In Blender, final reconstruction artefacts are smoothed using the F Smooth Sculpt Tool and final materials are added for the ultimate render (D). (E) The aforementioned methodology applied to single cells (S1C3), colonial cells (C1C3), a complete RC and a section of an choanocyte chamber. RC, rosette colony; ssTEM, serial ultrathin transmission electron microscopy.(PDF) pbio.3000226.s003.pdf (3.5M) GUID:?C842D057-1F7F-4AA8-97C7-23441224CAD4 S4 Fig: Mean cell volume per colony cell number, intercellular bridges per colony cell number and bridge length. (A) No correlation was found between cell volume and colony cell number. (B) A positive correlation was found between bridges per cell and colony cell number ( 0.05). (C) No apparent pattern was observed between RepSox (SJN 2511) the length of an intercellular bridge and its position along the colony z-axis.(PDF) pbio.3000226.s004.pdf (148K) GUID:?37ADF37C-F59B-43B0-B146-3934E66BEA49 S5 Fig: 3D reconstructions and volumetric breakdown of five sponge choanocytes. (ACB) 3D ssTEM reconstructions of five choanocytes and their volumetric breakdown is shown below. Scale bar = approximately 1 m. ssTEM, serial ultrathin transmission electron microscopy.(PDF) pbio.3000226.s005.pdf (1.3M) GUID:?FF5CC739-7D57-4F7B-9CA7-7BA78CB38CF6 S6 Fig: Volumetric and numerical comparison of choanocyte and choanoflagellate major subcellular structures. (A) Choanocytes from are significantly larger by volume (m3) than the single and colonial choanoflagellate RepSox (SJN 2511) cells. Volumetric (%) (SEM) (nucleus, nucleolus, mitochondria, ER, food vacuoles, and glycogen storage) and numerical (m?3) (SEM) (mitochondria) differences were found between sponge choanocytes (= 5) and single (= 3) and colonial (= 3) choanoflagellates. * 0.05, ** 0.01, *** 0.001. (BCG) TEM and 3D ssTEM reconstructions of amoeboid cell behaviour in sponge choanocytes. Shown are the highly inv and ps basal pole of the choanocyte (B, C), macropinocytotic activity (*) at the apical pole (D, E) and a mesohyl-associated bacterium being engulfed by a ps at the basal pole (F, G). ER, endoplasmatic reticulum; inv, invaginated; ps, pseudopodiated; ssTEM, serial ultrathin transmission electron microscopy.(PDF) pbio.3000226.s006.pdf (5.6M) GUID:?91DB46BE-FB23-4AF2-BE8C-87FEBCDE5D02 S1 Movie: 3D cellular architecture of choanoflagellate single cell S1. Colours coded as in Fig 1.(MP4) pbio.3000226.s007.mp4 (4.6M) GUID:?A8CF5DAF-509E-4233-A4C8-CF7559942CF6 S2 Movie: 3D cellular architecture of choanoflagellate single cell S2. Colours coded as in Fig 1.(MP4) pbio.3000226.s008.mp4 (3.0M) GUID:?61F8AC2F-E6BF-4301-B245-4A37DC385BF9 S3 Movie: 3D cellular architecture of choanoflagellate.